Morsø has 155 years of experience with the manufacture of wood-burning stoves and has always been at the forefront of developing new stove types. You can always find a Morsø stove which meets your specific needs in terms of design, size, stove type and output. Morsø stoves stand out from other stoves in a number of ways:
Due to the excellent properties of cast iron, Morsø is the only Danish stove manufacturer offering a 10-year warranty against casting and production defects.
Heating ability
Cast iron emits a constant and even heat. Morsø uses both the radiant and convection heating principles.
Parts are easily replaced, e.g., moving parts. Morsø guarantees that it will be able to supply spare parts for at least 10 years after a model is discontinued.
With everything we do - from manufacture to delivery - we consider our environment and new ways in which we can further carry out recycling, conservation, and sustainable practices.•