In the showroom where wood stoves blaze, it’s certainly not easy to show the inside stove components when comparing quality and durability. Dealers who know a product from inside out have a clear sales advantage. Which is exactly why, Morsø invites their most motivated dealers and sales representatives to Denmark.
The common saying “seeing is believing”, rings true when it comes to Morsø. While most dealers certainly educate themselves, not too many can say they actually say they learned first hand from a wood stove craftsman.
John King of Hearthlink International, VT led a dealer trip last year. He explains the value of this type of dealer eduction:
“Morsø does a fantastic job organizing, entertaining, and demonstrating to dealers the quality differences that make their cast-iron wood stoves unique. We worked with craftsmen, toured historic farmhouses with turn-of-the century Morsø wood stoves, and really got to know the product, from the inside out”.
Morsø encourages Dealers to participate in Dealer Week promotions as a sales incentive and ultimate hearth education adventure. “Our dealers who visit Denmark walk away with a better understanding and respect for the Morsø tradition, quality and efficiency standards, and wide-range of stove designs,” explains Morso USA President Craig Shankster.
John Sullivan, Owner of Energy Unlimited of NE in Wayland, MA was a return visitor to Denmark. He describes his experience on the dealer trip: “ “It was really great to return, I was impressed that my input in regard to how products are received in the US and future product ideas was invited and appreciated.”
Lauri Kennedy who operates the family-owned Cracker Mill Hearth & Emporium in Shokan, NY with her husband Sean and parents, Jerry and Janet Wemple, found that visiting the Morsø factory, learning about the company’s history, and meeting the staff served to strengthen confidence in the Morsø brand: “Touring the factory and seeing first-hand the care and commitment that goes into making each unit deepened the pride we have in representing the Morsø brand here in the United States.”